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Wednesday, August 16, 2023
Sunday, September 20, 2020
GPS vs An Experienced Voice
Kelly and I travel all around Texas by car for our work. We are in the car a lot! We have figured out how to get all of our
desired addresses on our GPS so it will take us from one point to the next in a
smooth transition without having to put each address in one by one. I say smooth,
but the destination is not always correct and the route getting there is not
always the best. In recent days, I have
been doing a lot of the driving and though we are visiting the same locations
we have been many times before, I just don’t have the memory recall that Kelly
has of where we are going. He can usually
remember the area well enough to know when the GPS is not going to take us the
best way! So, I have the GPS giving me
directions interrupted by Kelly saying, “Don’t listen to her, go this way.” I often become frustrated because I can see and
hear the route GPS is telling me to go and at the same time, he is giving me different
directions. So, in my head comes to competing
instructions. Sometimes I do not know
for sure what GPS wants me to do while Kelly is instructing me to do something
different. It became sometimes exceedingly difficult to make a driving choice
with two different voices directing me in two different ways.
I have decided that
this is much like the voices of the world.
We hear people telling us what the best thing to do is while another
voice is whispering that there is a better way. We can read and listen to the advice of so
many guiding us in certain ways that may seem to be taking us in the right direction,
but do they really know what direction is best and where we want to end up? GPS will take us on back roads and take us to
wrong locations or even to the backside of the building. It has an address, but it does not really
know that our destination more than an address that has been programmed
in. Many times, it is correct, but many
times it does not get us there on the best route.
Our Heavenly Father knows where we are trying to go and He is
there to help correct the voices that are trying to guide us in this
world. It is hard to discern sometimes
which voice to listen to. It may seem
easier to follow the one because we can see how it is taking us, but His voice
will help us get where we want to go without taking all the back roads that may
just very well take us to the wrong side of where we were hoping to
I am learning to hear Kelly’s voice over the GPS voice. Sometimes I miss it and we have to make a U-turn
or even recalculate our route. Through
the atonement of our Savior Jesus Christ, He too can help us turn around or get
on a path that will better lead us back to our Father in Heaven!
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Blueberry Muffin
It seems that at one time Clarissa put before Kyler a muffin. He was excited to eat the muffin until he bit into it and discovered that there was something in there he had not was blueberries
Clarissa tried to assure Kyler that it was still delicious to eat and wouldn't be harmful to him. I can't remember but I don't think he was easily convinced.
This story made me of course think about life. We all like what we are comfortable with but sometimes a wise and loving Heavenly Father throws blueberries into our muffins. We may not be familiar with the change that has entered our life and we aren't sure we want to continue with the blueberries, but we can trust our Heavenly Father. We can murmur and complain, throw a temper tantrum, but as the scripture says:
“After the Fire a Still Small Voice” 1 KINGS 17–19
When we quit complaining and throwing a fit we can listen for a still small voice that helps us understand that the Lord put the blueberries in on purpose.
Kyler could eat the muffin and trust what his mother was telling him knowing that she loved him and would not allow something harmful to be put before him to eat, or he could throw a fit and refuse to trust her and reject the muffin. It's not the end of the world if Kyler chose not to eat the muffin, but he may just enjoy it and come to understand that blueberries can add a great flavor to his our life.
With agency, we too can accept what our Heavenly Father puts before us or throw a fit and gripe and complain and refuse to partake of it. Do we murmur about the blueberry muffins put before us by our Father in Heaven because we don't understand?
This lesson is a lesson that I need more than anyone. I have been found guilty of griping and complaining about the blueberries, nuts, etc, that show up in an unexpected way in my life. I don't do good with some changes and find myself asking if I dare to trust and partake. I need to be better. I need to:
I am going to try harder to embrace the unexpected blueberries in my life. Thanks Kyler for helping me see life a little differently.
Follow the Star

- Let’s position ourselves in places where we can see the STAR,
- Let’s use the instruments we have been given to help magnify the beauty of the STAR and
- Let us be willing to do all it takes to bask in the warm and illuminating light provided by the gospel of Jesus Christ.
- Let the Savior’s kindly light lead us one step at a time. Let covenants and commandments keep us safe as we follow the gospel pathway to our heavenly home.
- Let’s make room to Let Him In by choosing to Follow the STAR!
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Toil in Rowing
Following the commandments will help keep us navigating our way in safety.
Following the commandments will help keep us navigating our way in safety.
I Didn't See That Sign!!!

Bloom Where You're Planted 2
May we live so that when that final summons is heard, we may have no serious regrets, no unfinished business, but will be able to say with the Apostle Paul, “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith” [2 Timothy 4:7]. [“Now Is the Time,”Ensign, November 2001, 61]