Saturday, October 08, 2011

Pay Attention!

Image result for pay attention

The other day I had made a trip and was on my way home.  I was taking a new route and at some point did not pay attention to the road and miss the connection I needed.  So I got on the phone to get some help with my location.  I had decided what I now needed to do to get home.  Well, I thought it was taking too long so I used the map on my phone.  I could see that there was a shorter way so I took a different road still yet.

Too my disappointment, I found myself in an very unfamiliar area with some very uncomfortable surroundings.  I kept asking myself why I didn't pay attention to start with, then why I had to take a "short cut"?  So using my brain I kept my cool knowing I could figure this out.  One road did not lead me to the intended hwy and then still another was closed off.  I sat at a traffic light, anxious for it to run green, and locked my doors.  Bars and so called "gentlemens" clubs were all around me.  I didn't panic, used some common sense and finally got back to a familiar road so that I could continue my journey home safely.  The trip added 30 mins to my commute.  It was dark and I was tired, but I made it home safely using 1) a call home 2) a map and 3) my heart and brain.

As I knelt in prayer last night this experience came back to me as I asked my Heavenly Father for directions in this season of my life.  I have found myself traveling on a road that I have never been on.  Not all things on this path make me feel secure and comfortable.  What a blessing as I felt comfort and direction come into my mind.  I knew my Father was guiding me safely back to Him but I would just need to listen and obey.  Sometimes, just like that night, I think I have a shortcut or a better way, but ultimately, it only leads you in places you don't want to be.  By 1) listening to my Heavenly Father 2) Using the scriptures and present day leaders council (map) and 3) the spirit that is within me, I can make it home safely.  

I heard some road map directions in General Conference that will indeed help me stay or get on the right road that my Heavenly Father wants me to travel.

1 comment:

Jaime said...

Thanks for posting this. I enjoyed seeing what you picked out!