Monday, September 12, 2011

A Short Note To My Parents

I have been thinking about you guys and how much I love you and how you have blessed my life.

You have always been there for me and have done so much for me, but the one thing that sticks out to me at this moment is you always make me feel like you are proud of me.  Do you know what a gift that is?  You ALWAYS make me feel so special and so loved.  You are probably the two people in my life that are the most like our Savior.  You amaze me.   I am grateful that the Lord let me live long enough, to get old enough that my vision has improved.  It may have taken me a few years, but I can see what a great gift he gave me  having you as my parents. I love your dearly.  Sis



Ben McMurry said...

Excellent Post! I sure do love those guys. I would like to know the dates the pics were taken.

Sarah said...

oh, I sure love them too! and love the pics! I might have to scrapbook some of them!