Wednesday, August 16, 2023

 Don't Delete...coming soon!

Sunday, September 20, 2020

GPS vs An Experienced Voice


Kelly and I travel all around Texas by car for our work.  We are in the car a lot!  We have figured out how to get all of our desired addresses on our GPS so it will take us from one point to the next in a smooth transition without having to put each address in one by one. I say smooth, but the destination is not always correct and the route getting there is not always the best.  In recent days, I have been doing a lot of the driving and though we are visiting the same locations we have been many times before, I just don’t have the memory recall that Kelly has of where we are going.  He can usually remember the area well enough to know when the GPS is not going to take us the best way!  So, I have the GPS giving me directions interrupted by Kelly saying, “Don’t listen to her, go this way.”   I often become frustrated because I can see and hear the route GPS is telling me to go and at the same time, he is giving me different directions.  So, in my head comes to competing instructions.  Sometimes I do not know for sure what GPS wants me to do while Kelly is instructing me to do something different. It became sometimes exceedingly difficult to make a driving choice with two different voices directing me in two different ways.

 I have decided that this is much like the voices of the world.  We hear people telling us what the best thing to do is while another voice is whispering that there is a better way.  We can read and listen to the advice of so many guiding us in certain ways that may seem to be taking us in the right direction, but do they really know what direction is best and where we want to end up?  GPS will take us on back roads and take us to wrong locations or even to the backside of the building.  It has an address, but it does not really know that our destination more than an address that has been programmed in.  Many times, it is correct, but many times it does not get us there on the best route. 

Our Heavenly Father knows where we are trying to go and He is there to help correct the voices that are trying to guide us in this world.  It is hard to discern sometimes which voice to listen to.  It may seem easier to follow the one because we can see how it is taking us, but His voice will help us get where we want to go without taking all the back roads that may just very well take us to the wrong side of where we were hoping to arrive. 

I am learning to hear Kelly’s voice over the GPS voice.  Sometimes I miss it and we have to make a U-turn or even recalculate our route.  Through the atonement of our Savior Jesus Christ, He too can help us turn around or get on a path that will better lead us back to our Father in Heaven!


Sunday, January 26, 2020

Blueberry Muffin

I am sure that I don't remember the correct details of this story, but it did make me reflect on it as a great message we can all use. I thought I had written it down, but I wasn't able to find it so far. 

It seems that at one time Clarissa put before Kyler a muffin.  He was excited to eat the muffin until he bit into it and discovered that there was something in there he had not was blueberries

Clarissa tried to assure Kyler that it was still delicious to eat and wouldn't be harmful to him. I can't remember but I don't think he was easily convinced.  

This story made me of course think about life.  We all like what we are comfortable with but sometimes a wise and loving Heavenly Father throws blueberries into our muffins.  We may not be familiar with the change that has entered our life and we aren't sure we want to continue with the blueberries, but we can trust our Heavenly Father.  We can murmur and complain, throw a temper tantrum, but as the scripture says:

“After the Fire a Still Small Voice”  1 KINGS 17–19

When we quit complaining and throwing a fit we can listen for a still small voice that helps us understand that the Lord put the blueberries in on purpose.

Kyler could eat the muffin and trust what his mother was telling him knowing that she loved him and would not allow something harmful to be put before him to eat, or he could throw a fit and refuse to trust her and reject the muffin.  It's not the end of the world if Kyler chose not to eat the muffin, but he may just enjoy it and come to understand that blueberries can add a great flavor to his our life. 

With agency, we too can accept what our Heavenly Father puts before us or throw a fit and gripe and complain and refuse to partake of it.  Do we murmur about the blueberry muffins put before us by our Father in Heaven because we don't understand?

This lesson is a lesson that I need more than anyone.  I have been found guilty of griping and complaining about the blueberries, nuts, etc, that show up in an unexpected way in my life.  I don't do good with some changes and find myself asking if I dare to trust and partake.  I need to be better.  I need to:

I am going to try harder to embrace the unexpected blueberries in my life.  Thanks Kyler for helping me see life a little differently.

Follow the Star

When I was 12 years old, I went to a friend’s birthday party at a skating rink.  I met a young boy there that was part of the party.  I didn’t know anyone but the individual giving the party, so he said you can stay with me after learning I didn’t know anyone.  So I did…I mean I really did.  I followed him everywhere, so I wouldn’t be alone.  The sad part was, I wasn’t paying attention and I followed him right into the boy’s bathroom. 
Whom do you follow?  

We must be aware of our surroundings and pay attention to who we are following.

Image result for star of bethlehem
The wise men stepped far out of their ordinary, everyday lives to follow an unusual star in the sky. They knew the prophecies about the Messiah and they trusted they would find Him by following that star. The star was real, but it wasn’t really the star that was important—but the star’s purpose was.  It was symbolic of the light that came into the world with the Savior’s birth.  They were following a star because they knew where it would lead them.  It would lead them to Jesus Christ.

Do you think the wise men were the only ones who saw the star?
Anyone can look up in the sky. But maybe these wise men could see something that others could not see. They had been studying the sky and knew this star was different. It would change their lives and ultimately change the whole world.
That star led them to the Savior of the world.

1 – To view “the star” we will have to position ourselves to see it clearly.

When on one of our return trips from Utah with our 6 children, we found ourselves stranded on the side of the road.  It was in the middle of nowhere.  A very dark road, in the middle of the night, with 6 little children and a car that was not going anywhere.  The children began to wake from the nighttime slumber as we were climbing out of the car to look under the hood for any clues to the problem. As they began to get out and stretch, we gazed into the sky.  The stars were brilliant, and we could even see what appeared to be the Milky Way Galaxy as it was not hidden from our view because there was no light pollution of the world.

In today’s world, we are filled with pollution that filters out the star that we want to follow. There is counterfeit light all around us.

Light that tries to brighten the darkness in the world. There are all kinds of darkness in this world: darkness that comes from sin; darkness that comes from discouragement, disappointment, and despair; darkness that comes from loneliness and feelings of inadequacy.
But the light of Jesus Christ is stronger than any darkness we face in this life, if we have faith in Him, seek after Him, and obey Him.
The Savior’s light increases in our lives as we keep the commandments and strive continually to be like Him. For “that which is of God is light; and he that receiveth light, and continueth in God, receiveth more light; and that light groweth brighter and brighter” (D&C 50:24).
As the light of Jesus Christ and His gospel grows brighter within our countenances and our hearts, it becomes easier for us to discern what is truly valuable from the counterfeits the world offers.
The light of the Savior can glow within us if He is in our hearts. We need to position ourselves to clearly see the star, which is the light of Christ. 
2 – Sometimes we may need special instruments to see and identify and appreciate “the star”. 

Perhaps we would not have been able to enjoy the beauty of the night sky if our car had not broken down.  The Lord will and does provide means by which he helps us follow His light and become a reflection of His light.

Image result for telescope clipartWe gave our son a telescope one year for Christmas. It was nothing grand, but we all enjoyed gazing at the stars. It wasn’t easy to navigate at first.  It took practice to know where and how to look through the lens of the scope.  Once we learned how to see, our experience in looking at the star became so much clearer than looking with just the natural eye. We could see so many more of them in general and their individual details; their colors and shapes.

We likewise have been given special instruments to increase our vision to see beyond what the natural eye can see.

The scriptures and all the holy prophets have testified of him. When we read and listen to them, we can learn more about Him, His individual details. His qualities and characteristics. We learn about His life and how we should live ours. Our greatest instrument is the gift of the Holy Ghost. This gift will help us identify Him as the Savoir of the World, our Redeemer, as he testifies of all truth, especially the reality and divinity of the Father and the Son.

We follow the star by choosing to do the things and use the instruments to help draw us closer to the true Light each day. Small things matter. It’s following and fighting for the small habits that qualify us for the companionship and friendship of the Holy Ghost.  The light of the Star, our Savior Jesus Christ is magnified with little things.

·         It’s slipping out of bed on our knees and saying our morning prayer (heartfelt and grateful and submissive) It’s returning and reporting on how our day went at the end of the day. 
·         It’s reading and studying the scriptures and particularly the Book of Mormon. 
·         It is worshipping weeklyWhile it is important to remember Jesus Christ at all times, we can come closer to the Light as we take time each week to keep the Sabbath day holy and participate in meaningful worship.
·          It’s Looking to the living prophets. Just as God provided prophets in ancient times to lead the people out of darkness toward the light, He has given us prophets and apostles today to declare the glad tidings of the gospel of Jesus Christ and teach us the best way to follow Him and…

·         It’s reaching out in Love.  We can come closer to the Light when we lift another’s burden through Christlike service.   ONE act of service I can do for someone else including our husband, our children, our parents and in laws and those I minister to ...

3 – We have to be willing to do what it takes to see “the star”.

   Seeing the stars and the wonders of the cosmos require some sacrifice. They can only be found on their terms, at night. You may say, “But, I’m not a night person. I like going to bed early.” Or, “I’m afraid of the dark. If they would come out during the day, I would love to see them.”

   Though the Savoir invites all to come unto him, he has set the terms of a relationship with him. He asks that we have faith, repent, and keep his commandments. If we do we can see him always by having the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost. We can qualify to “always have His spirit to be with us” by striving to become like he is, little by little.

So, the star we follow today is much like the star of Bethlehem.  It says, “Come Unto Me” or “Come Follow Me” , “COME FIND ME” The light of the star then and His light today is symbol to the world that  HE IS HERE! 

This light, as it did for the Nephites, can save our lives.

Let’s not only FOLLOW THE STAR, but
  • Let’s position ourselves in places where we can see the STAR,
  • Let’s use the instruments we have been given to help magnify the beauty of the STAR and
  • Let us be willing to do all it takes to bask in the warm and illuminating light provided by the gospel of Jesus Christ.
  •  Let the Savior’s kindly light lead us one step at a time. Let covenants and commandments keep us safe as we follow the gospel pathway to our heavenly home.
  • Let’s make room to Let Him In by choosing to Follow the STAR!

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Toil in Rowing

I love how the Lord teaches me.  He knows me and understands that we all hear and feel the spirit in ways that are unique to us.  One way He teaches me is through life experiences.   

Last year we joined our son Sam, Lacey and family for some fun time in Yellowstone National Park and surrounding areas of interest. One place included some rapids in Montana.  I had so much fun on this whole trip!  It was so nice to have a break from the stress of every day life and being with loved ones.  

When it was time to return home and get back to the grind, I was reading in Mark 6 and came across verse 48 which says:

  "And he saw them toiling in rowing; for the wind was contrary unto them:"  

It seemed to me that we were really having to "toil in rowing" in our every day life.  I pondered upon that verse reflecting  on our experience in the raft. Here are a few lessons I learned from our rafting experience relating to these verses.  

As we prepared to go down the river and face the rapids, we were first given some protective gear to wear that would help protect us if we were to fall out of the raft.  Then as we prepared to to take off on our raft, we were given safety instructions.  Sit in a certain place, keep your feet tucked in here, hold your paddle this way, do this and do that, but here is the key warning for safety, Whatever you do follow the directions of your guide and you will return back here safely.  

Oh how I love that message.  They taught us some basic rules we needed to follow, but reassured us that following our guide would be the key to returning safely.  

Part of what our guide did was remind us to do what we had received instructions on, the other part was this: when she said paddle once, you paddled once.  When she said lean this way, we leaned that way.  When she said stand we stood.  If she said this side only paddle, then that side paddled.  Whatever direction she gave, we followed.  She knew exactly where the rapids were and where we were in regards to the rapids coming so she knew from her experience what direction to give us.  Those in other rafts may approach the rapids from a different location so their instruction may have been a little different from ours, but all were directed according to the needs at the time.   It was a wonderful opportunity to work together and to listen for what we needed do to.  At one point however, though we followed her directions, we did get stuck on a large rock.  Now I saw it coming, and because I had canoed through rapids before my instinct was to put my paddle out and push away from the rock as we approached it.  However, I figured our guide knew best so I resisted the urge.  Once we were stuck,  the direction given was to sit still and follow her instructions as she moved from her spot and went over to get us off the rock and we did just that all safe and sound. 
There were times when the water was calm and we could just sit and enjoy, but our guide was quietly in the back of the boat using her paddle to turn us, or slow us or just keep us on track,  but when the rapids came we put our paddles in and toiled in rowing to speak!  

Life is so much like this.  The Lord has given us armor to help keep us safe and gives us direction all through the water whether calm or rapid.  He knows when the rapids are coming and will prepare us and help us to row when we need to row and lean when we need to lean.  If we get stuck on a rock, he will come to us and help remove the rock from preventing our forward movement. Rapids do and will continue to come.   They come in all sorts of ways that cause us to have to put our paddles in and row like crazy so that we can come out victorious. 

Now here is a great part.  After navigating our way through each rapid, our guide would say "High five with your paddles every one."   We did it!  We made it through and we did it as a team!  

Isn't life like that?  We make it through and we need to High Five our success as we go along. 
Oh how I love how the Lord teaches me and helps me see life experiences as an opportunity to apply it to my life and His teachings. 

Following the commandments will help keep us navigating our way in safety. 

So keep your life jackets and helmets on, listen to your guide(s) and HIGH FIVE whomever you need to as you travel down life's flowing waters.  Our Father in Heaven is our guide.  He has been there, done that and can help us safely navigate our way back home!

Following the commandments will help keep us navigating our way in safety. 

Toil in rowing especially when the wind is contrary, but be of good cheer, the wind will cease!

Mark 6:48-51

48 And he saw them toiling in rowing; for the wind was contrary unto them: and about the fourth watch of the night he cometh unto them, walking upon the sea, and would have passed by them.
49 But when they saw him walking upon the sea, they supposed it had been a spirit, and cried out:
50 For they all saw him, and were troubled. And immediately he talked with them, and saith unto them, Be of good cheer: it is I; be not afraid.
51 And he went up unto them into the ship; and the wind ceased: and they were sore amazed in themselves beyond measure, and wondered.

I Didn't See That Sign!!!

A few years ago I was headed to visit my daughter.  When I got to the exit I needed to take it was closed.  I was so frustrated.  It was high traffic time and it was right past this exit that congestion really started.  I would have to wait through traffic to get to the next exit and then head back to the street I needed to be on to get to my destination.  

Realizing there would be delay, I called Bec and told her what had happened that I was so mad that there was not a sign telling me ahead of time that the exit was closed.  She said there was one that she knew of but it was back a way.  I eventually made it to her home.

Curious about the sign she had mentioned, I carefully looked for it on my next trip to her home.  To my surprise, there was not only 1 sign but there were messages letting the drivers know that they would have to take an earlier exit  due to the closed exit that I usually take. In my haste to get to my destination I had totally missed all 4 signs and then I was frustrated blaming my inconvenience on others.  

After I laughed at myself this made me think about my life.  I wondered how many times I had missed signs in my life warning me of something coming up in my life. How many times have I been so busy with where I was going that I didn't carefully pay attention to the messages of the Spirit that would help direct me to take a path that would and will lead me to my destination so that I do not find myself missing my intended target and ultimately being delayed in my journey. 

In a talk given by President Thomas S. Monson titled The Race of Life, he said,

Our Heavenly Father did not launch us on our eternal voyage without providing the means whereby we could receive from Him guidance to ensure our safe return. I speak of prayer. I speak too of the whisperings from that still, small voice; and I do not overlook the holy scriptures, which contain the word of the Lord and the words of the prophets—provided to us to help us successfully cross the finish line.

We are blessed by spiritual early warning signals as a source of protection and direction in our lives. The scriptures are full of stories where people were warned to do something for their protection but we have to be watching and listening for the messages.

I know I have missed signs in my life, but just as I was able to find and take another road to my destination, through the atonement of Jesus Christ, I can still reach my destination when I miss the sign, but, I must be prepared that the journey may be a little more difficult than if I had headed the warning signs in the beginning. 

Watch and Be Ready!!

Bloom Where You're Planted 2

As I was driving home from church a couple of weeks ago, I began thinking about my roots in the city we were living in and how hard it would be to leave.  The thought of roots lingered in my mind and my attention was drawn to my years of yard work.  I began thinking about the roots of plants that I have cared for including those plants that I transplanted.  I recalled the care that had to be taken when you dig them up and move the plant to a new location.  You have to know the plant and what it can handle.  You can't just move it any time of the day and you need to make sure that the new location is prepared and will help the plant grow. One thing is to make sure it is well watered and then move it when the climate is most suitable.  At first there is a shock value to the plant but with water and tender loving care it can prosper in its new location.

As I thought about the plant, I thought about how my Father in Heaven knows and loves me.  He has watered and cared for me as my roots grew stronger and stronger and watched lovingly at those times when my roots were not as strong.  He would not move us if our roots were not strong enough to handle the change.  He would not place us in a place that we couldn't continue to grow.  He is indeed the gardener and He KNOWS exactly where we need to be planted so that we will continue to grow.
That was a sweet thought that reminded me of how much our Heavenly Father loves me and all of us! This also made me think of the saying, "Bloom where your planted". This has come to mean a lot more to me lately.  I have to say that I have mostly thought of it as more as a tangible place of being, but now understanding that sometimes we are planted smack in the middle of trials and it is important to remember to continue to bloom or strive to bloom wherever we find ourselves.  I would add that if you can't bloom, then you need to turn to the gardener to find out what changes need to be made so that you can blossom to your full potential for that time and season.  Sometimes it may just be our attitude or our thoughts and other times it may be our literal location.  If you can't bloom where you are seek to understand why and make those changes.

I wish that I could be my best 100% of the time, but the fact is I can’t, but I hope to never quit trying. It is easy to become discouraged and tired of the hardship, but I know I agreed to come here and face the challenges that only could be experienced in mortality. 

May we live so that when that final summons is heard, we may have no serious regrets, no unfinished business, but will be able to say with the Apostle Paul, “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith” [2 Timothy 4:7]. [“Now Is the Time,”Ensign, November 2001, 61]